ke Karir ~ Sekolah Jurnalistik dan Multimedia (SJM)


Dasarnya SJM berdiri pertama kali ini adalah mengacu kepada Industri Kreatif. Evolusi industri kreatif ini muncul dari pergeseran era pertanian ke era industrialisasi, disusul oleh era informasi disertai banyak penemuan baru di bidang teknologi informasi serta globalisasi ekonomi.

Ada 14 industri yang diidentifikasi sebagai industri kreatif: (1) arsitektur, (2) desain, (3) kerajinan, (4) layanan komputer dan peranti lunak, (5) mode, (6) musik, (7) pasar seni dan barang antik, (8) penerbitan dan percetakan, (9) periklanan, (10) permainan interaktif, (11) riset dan pengembangan, (12) seni pertunjukan, (13) televisi dan radio, serta (14) video, film, dan fotografi.

Dari 14 bidang industri berbasis kreatifitas, SJM mencoba menjadi salah satu lembaga yang menyelenggarakan pendidikan berkompetensi. Selain itu untuk membantu minat dan mengapresiasikan calon-calon peserta didik di multi disiplin kompetensi bidang jurnalistik & multimedia.

Beberapa bidang kompetensi diantaranya adalah jurnalistik, desain grafis, fotografi, video syuting, video editor, web development, marketing & periklanan, dan public relations. Insya Allah, lulusan SJM menjadi SDM yang profesional bisa bekerja di media massa/koran, televisi nasional/lokal, radio, percetakan, penerbitan, novelis, penulis, kolumnis, editor, wartawan, script writer, perancang media, web master, kameramen, humas, marketing, operator televisi serta produser.

Ada segudang karir pasca mengikuti diklat di SJM

Creative / Art Director
Art directors, or creative directors are in charge of a creative team that produces artwork to be displayed in magazines, on television, on billboards, on the web, or on products. A creative team….

Layout Artist
A layout artist deals with the structure and layout out of images and text in a pleasing format for printed media. This can include…

Brand Identity Design
Brand identity design is concerned with the visual aspects of a company or organization’s brand or identity. A brand identity design is the visual element that represents….

Logo Designer
A logo is a sketched or graphically designed symbol, set in a specific typeface or font, and arranged in a unique way, with distinct colors, shapes, and designs to represent a company, product, organization, agency, or service….

Flash Designer
Flash is the newest and trendiest technology currently used in web design. Nearly everyone ranging from beginners to experienced web designers are learning how to create and….

Illustrators conceptualize and create illustrations that represent an idea or a story through two-dimensional or three-dimensional images. Illustrators may do drawings for….

Technical Illustrator
Technical Illustrators conceptualize and create three-dimensional images, storyboard sketches, and moving illustrations for animated productions, television commercials, movies, computer games, or set and exhibit designs. Technical illustration primarily involves….

Photo Editing / Photoshop Artist
Photo editing, and new photo editing software like Photoshop has helped professional photographers and designers more easily bring their visions to life through advertisements, magazine layouts, billboards, logos, and just about every other multi-media medium….

Multimedia Designer
Jobs in multimedia design can be found in such career fields as television or film production, animation, audio production, and set design, as well as several other multimedia, and production design fields. Earning a….

Photography is more than just capturing an image. Professional photographers need to learn how to use the camera and other photography equipment such as lights, film, lenses, filters, digital technology, as well as their own creative vision, to produce images that communicate the desired….

Prepress Technician
Prepress involves a variety of tasks including checking proofs for errors and print clarity and correcting any mistakes, transforming text and pictures into finished pages, and making printing plates of the pages….

Web Designer
As a web designer, your work could be viewed by thousands of people everyday. Web designers create the pages, layout, and graphics for web pages, and play a key role in the development of a website. Web designers have the task of creating the….

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